Key Commands

All key commands use ALT or SHIFT + ALT combination so they do not conflict with browser commands (hopefully).

These commands will not change unless absolutely necessary. So feel free to memorize them.

Key Pressed Action
Esc Closes popup
Alt + Enter Saves/Submits popup
Alt + h Commands popup
Alt + n New note
Alt + Left Arrow Previous task/item in the project
Alt + Right Arrow Next task/item in the project
Alt + i New invoice
Alt + t New task
Shift + Alt + t Edit task
Alt + s Edit task settings
Alt + e Edit task progress
Alt + p New project
Shift + Alt + p Edit project
Alt + m New Milestone
Alt + c New Company
Shift + Alt + c Edit company
Alt + f New component
Shift + Alt + f Edit component
Last updated on June 15, 2016 by Jeff Behnke
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